Friday, January 20, 2012

10 ish weeks: We got to see you today!!!

Dear little Fig (that's how big you are),

So your dad and I went in for our appointment this morning and the nurse and the doctor had a hard time finding your heartbeat. They decided its because I have a tilted uterus, so they couldn't hear you yet.

I was freaking out inside, your dad was as cool as a cucumber.

So they gave me an ultrasound and we got to see you move your little arms and legs. It took my breath away and we found out we are 11w 3d rather than 10w 6d. YAY! Your dad thinks I planned the ultrasound, but either way it was AMAZING!!!!!!!! I have also lost 3 lbs, but thats bc you won't let me enjoy anything. Last night your dad made delicious salmon and I made a side of garlic mushrooms. Guess what we ate? A bowl full of mushrooms. Thanks baby.

Now about that seafood experience we had last weekend. You had me craving snow crab, to the point that it was appearing in my dreams. So I order the largest amount of seafood and maine lobster on the menu and you let me eat one cluster and one claw. That was NOT cool kid. I'm known for my overeating of snow crab and you decided you were done too early. Luckily,  you didn't reject it!

Here's a funny story for you. Your Aunt Kelly and I have been friends since the 2nd grade and your dad and I have been trying to find the time to tell them about you. Well Kelly has this feeling that I am pregnant. So instead of saying, oh I had no idea you were pregnant, its going to be more like, I told you so. Please, stay out of my friends dreams will ya?

This weekend we are going to the beach to celebrate your Gams' birthday. Please let me eat whatever I want!

Love you lots.

Here you and your cute self are at 11w 3d. Your head is at the bottom and your feet are at the top :)

1 comment:

  1. That is one cute little fig! Keep up the good work, mama! Remember: sickness is a sign of healthy pregnancy. You can eat seafood later. :)
