Friday, January 13, 2012

9 1/2 Weeks

Dear little person inside me,

Please keep the no-throwing-up-thing, up. I've only thrown up a total of five times, but the last time was full of FAVORITE!! Your father is pretty sure you are going to come out pickled because thats all I EVER want to eat. It's sad too, I prefer to drink the juice over eating the actual pickle or pepper. Why can't they just sell pickle juice?? I really don't have anything new to report, although you are being nicer to my face by reducing the large amount of zits I had on it. I now don't have to wash my face obsessively three times a day :)

I am getting a little thicker, loosing my waist line, but since you don't seem to crave anything or have a particular liking of anything outside of the Chipotle menu, I'm still at the same weight I was the last time I went to the Dr. Tonight we are going to a dinner party and your dad and I have arranged a plan for me to "fake drink" since we still have to wait another TWO WEEKS to tell people! I took a bottle of riesling and made your dad drink it, don't worry he didn't complain. And then he poured white grape juice in the bottle so people will think I am drinking.

The people who are hosting the party are pregnant too, but she's only like six weeks along so it should be interesting to see her take on being pregnant.

Oh and your big brother Elvis is injured, he somehow hurt his back and now has to be confined to a crate for the next six weeks. Acey doesn't like it one bit!

Last weekend we went to your Aunt and Uncles new house and laid around all day, which is what you make me want to do anyway. It's really neat when the family calls to check on you and I'm always happy to say nothing new, same weird nausea and pickle cravings. I mean really, you are making me look the like the picture-perfect pregnant pickle monster. As long as you like them, I will continue eating them. Although, I do fear you will hate them later in life :) Also, you realllllllly love lemons, but they are SO bad for my teeth. I try to eat them secretly, but your dad makes that impossible.

We should have a nice relaxing weekend at home taking down Christmas decorations...yes its Jan. 13 and they are still up, stop judging me.

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