We went to Meet the Baby in Brandon on Saturday and took the entire family! We got to see you yawn, touch your knees to your elbows (you have weirdly long arms in my opinion), suck your thumb and move all around. It was the most exciting day EVER!
So when it came down to it the u/s tech said, OK time for the gender, who wants to guess? Your Aunt Lauren said it's a boy and then we all cheered and clapped and hugged. You were very happy to show us you were a boy too, I have like 10 pictures of your thing.
After the appointment we went to the Cheesecake Factory and celebrated. Then we decided to go SHOPPING! Everyone picked out the cutest stuff.
Then off to Lakeland we went to get ready for the gender reveal party. Everyone was begging for us to spill the beans already, but I had a plan! As people walked in we had them cast a vote for whether they thought you were a girl or a boy and they had to wear corresponding name tags.
At about 5:30 we went outside and had a blue silly string fight! It was messier than I expected, but so much fun. Almost half the people at the party thought you were a girl so they were shocked when we said it was a boy. Then we went inside and watched the video of the u/s, which makes me very happy.
You got a lot of presents kid! You're already spoiled. I can't imagine it when you're here how rotten you will be :)
So now that we know what you are I decided to look for nursery bedding. I found nothing from the chain retailers so I went to a crafty website and found the perfect bedding, but it was very expensive. So I'm pulling out the ol' sewing machine and I'm hand making everything. Either it will be totally adorable or I'll end up at walmart :)
I'm so thrilled you are on your way little Barrett (haven't decided on a middle name yet) Strong. I know your dad was happy, but your grandpa Jay has been calling you his grandson since we found out I was pregnant. Everyone is so happy, your Gams even stood up and threw her arms up in excitement. It was an awesome weekend.
The silly string reveal
Our first official family photo after finding out what you are
Parts of your feet
Sucking your thumb
your boy parts :)
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